Science speaks louder than values

That is why we focus on presenting unbiased, scientifically backed, insights. You should get the facts, to be able to draw your own conclusions.

There is a massive body of insights on where sustainability and the world is heading, that has not yet reached the general public. Given the complexity of science and how it is published, most decision-makers lack access to these insights.

The collaboration between Biosphere Intelligence and leading scientists exists precisely to solve this, by effectively condensing science into business relevant insights for action.

Scientific collaborators

  • Professor Beatrice Crona

    Beatrice is a Professor in Sustainability Science and Science Director at Stockholm Resilience Centre. Her research focuses on sustainable finance and sustainable food systems, specifically how environmental impacts can be better accounted for in financial decision-making. Over the past years, she has engaged in many science-business collaborations.

  • Professor Gretchen Daily

    Gretchen is a Professor of
Environmental Science and co-founder of the
Natural Capital Project at Stanford University. Together with colleagues, she has published several hundred scientific articles, and a dozen books, on
human dependence and impact on nature. She has received numerous prestigious international awards.

  • Professor Carl Folke

    Carl is one of the most cited scientists in the world. His research has broken new ground in understanding the dynamic interplay of economy, society, and nature. He is co-founder of Stockholm Resilience Centre and director of the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Carl has received several prestigious science awards.

  • Professor Steve Polasky

    Steve is a Professor of Ecological / Environmental Economics at the University of Minnesota and co-founder of the
Natural Capital Project. His expertise is at the intersection of ecology and economics including the value of ecosystem services and natural capital. Steve currently serves as co-chair at IPBES, Biodiversity and Business Assessment.

  • Mary Ruckelshaus

    Mary is the Executive Director of the Natural Capital Project. She was previously an Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences at the Florida State University. The main focus of her recent work is on developing ecological models including estimates of the flow of environmental services under different management regimes in marine systems worldwide.

  • Assoc. Professor Lisen Schultz

    Lisen is the Director of Education at Stockholm Resilience Centre and the programme director for the centre's Executive Programme in Resilience Thinking. In this role, she has educated chairpersons and CEOs from over 70 companies including major asset owners, banks, industrials and retailers. She specialises in knowledge transfer to decision makers.

  • Professor Henrik Österblom

    Henrik is the Director of the Anthropocene Laboratory at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. With the SeaBOS initiative, he pioneered a new type of science-business collaboration and developed sustainability strategies together with some of the largest corporations in the world. He is also a former policy advisor for the Swedish Government.

“Biosphere Intelligence is an exciting new way to scale scientific understanding and insight, to help inspire and enable companies and other actors towards sustainability.”

– Professor Henrik Österblom